Do you ever feel as if you’re not living your authentic life, that your true self isn’t shining? Here are some signs that you may not be living your authentic life:
- People-pleasing
- Comparing yourself to others
- Distrusting others
- Your values don’t align with your actions
- Not open with others
- Being agreeable even if you disagree
This program is designed to help you reclaim your authentic self that may have become buried under the weight of other people’s and/or your own expectations and demands.
The Reclaiming Your Authentic Self Toolkit
Strategies for Uncovering Your Truest, Deepest Self
The Reclaiming Your Authentic Self Toolkit Explores:
- Your Identity
- True Self, False Self
- Defining Anavah and Humility
- Social Masks, Labels, and False Identities
- How Inauthenticity Impacts Your Relationships
(with self and others) - Shedding Your False Self
- Claiming Your True Self
- Occupying Your God-given Space
- Core Values
- Meditation
- Breath Prayer
- Journaling
- Setting Goals